Take Your Business to the Next Level with Telegram’s Personal to Business Account Conversion Option. Telegram creator Pavel Durov announced Wednesday that users of the chat application who have personal accounts are now able to transform these accounts into corporate accounts. This allows users to provide information like the location, opening hours and even the time of day that could be useful for small cafes or shop owners.

Other features available to business accounts include the organization of chats using color labels, automatic greetings or message for away as well as shortcuts to get quick responses. Durov’s channel Durov stated that Telegram will launch additional business-oriented features later this month, such as an option to incorporate chatbots powered by AI to provide customer service.
“Telegram Business accounts will be able to effortlessly integrate chatbots as invisible secretaries that can respond to any chat. Through AI chatbots, they can automate customer service to a whole different level” the CEO said.
Telegram will attempt to be competitive with WhatsApp Business, which crossed 200 million active monthly users last year, thanks to this new feature. Meta-owned WhatsApp launched a number of features for businesses this year, including personalized messages for customers as well as flows that enable users to complete transactions on e-commerce without having to leave the application.
In the past 2 years Telegram is focusing on expanding its business with premium subscriptions, a self-custodial cryptocurrency wallet, as well as auction of high-end usernames. The chat application boasts around 800 million active users around the globe, is working on launching its own ad platform in the coming month, with the possibility of a revenue-sharing plan for channels.